Frequently Asked Questions
What is a MegaGame?
There is a whole page dedicated to this very question! Click this link to learn more.
When do tickets go on sale for event X?
Usually we put tickets on sale ~10 weeks before the event (2-3 months). That gives players lots of opportunity to sign up for the game and for us to know what to expect well in advance of the game.
If you want to know when tickets go on sale, you should sign up to our newsletter. We always let those people know first as a thank you for subscribing. You can subscribe if you scroll way down this page.
Can I buy a ticket if it’s just me?
Absolutely! We love solo players AND people that sign up in a group. Megagames are a great way to make friends, and we usually go to the pub afterwards to tell stories about our experiences.
What happens after I purchase my ticket?
First off, we say THANK YOU! We are very grateful you put your trust in us to put on great events.
Secondly, we’ll be in communication via email leading up to the event - usually about a month out is when the emails will start hitting your inboxes. Please make sure dukesofhighlandlouisville@gmail.com is in your safe senders list because we use this to send you information about the event. One of those emails will be a really important email asking you to fill out a short survey about what your role preferences are and who you’d like to be on the same team as. A later one will include role/team assignments and the game documentation for you to read through before the day.
What if I buy my ticket a couple of days before the event?
Absolutely no problem. But there’s a small caveat: We try really hard to make sure that everyone who is playing gets to be on the same team as their friends. At approximately 7 days out, we’ll do team assignments and let players know who they’ll be playing as so that players can read up about their teams, get costumes ready etc. If we still have tickets available and you buy your ticket after this point (within 7 days of the event), we’ll still try really hard to get you on the same team as your friends but we can’t guarantee it. That’s not to say you won’t be playing with them - this is a Megagame after all and you can interact with mostly anyone in the game - but it may mean that you’re on different teams.
Do I have to get anything prepared before the day?
Not at all. As mentioned in the previous answer, we do send out documentation (game rules and such) before the day but you don’t have to read that. We encourage you to of course, but understand that not everyone can/wants to.
You also don’t have to create your character before the day. Whilst megagames do have a lot in common with a role-playing game or LARP, usually you’re given a role rather than a character. Even when you are given a character, everything you need will be provided on the day of the event.
Do I have to dress up and/or play a character (like LARPing)?
Many players do like to dress up but it’s not mandatory. I’d say it usually ends up as 50/50.
Megagames are definitely NOT a LARP and so roleplaying a character is also optional. Usually, megagames give you a role rather than a character which gives you guidance.
For example, you’ll be told that you’re the captain of the ship rather than the character Captain Redbeard who likes lose women and every other word you say is a swear.
Even games that do give you a character can be played more like a role. For example, in “It belongs in a museum”, you might be given the character of Indiana Jones but that’s more to give you guidance on your beliefs about artifact collecting rather than having to go around telling everyone you’re afraid of snakes. That small amount of “backstory” is important as it creates player conflict - for example, there may be another adventurer who is collecting priceless artifacts for selfish reasons.
Do you have a code of conduct?
Yes! Our expectations of you and what you can expect from us can be found on our code of conduct page.
What is your refund policy?
Life happens, things change, we get it. If this is a non-convention game, we are happy to refund the ticket price (minus payment processor costs) up to 10 days before the event. That’ll give us chance to fill your spot in game.
If it’s a convention game (Gen Con for example), you’ll need to see the convention rules on event ticket refunds as it’s out of our hands.
Can I buy a ticket from someone else?
That depends - if you friend bought a ticket and can’t go, we suppose you can buy it off them. Be sure to let the Dukes know you’ve done that so we can update the player list.
However, we have started to see the first few instances of randos offering to sell tickets on Facebook when the stock gets low. We keep tabs on who’s got what ticket so we can do player/team assignments before the game and these randos definitely didn’t really have legitimate tickets. So if you buy from a rando on the internet, there’s nothing we can do when they run off with your money.
What’s the best way to stay engaged in the community?
Honestly Discord is where the community hangs out primarily. The Dukes of Highland have our own discord here and the larger Megagame Coalition does too.
Why are there no games being ran near me!?!
Because no-one with the drive has done it yet! Megagames are still pretty niche but you do have some options. With a little drive you could create your own group and put on your own games (see below). Or if you’re in a close enough vicinity of Louisville, KY, we can work with you to bring games a little closer to you (also see below).
What other games are being run elsewhere?
The Megagame Assembly attempt to maintain a global list of all megagames going on across the entire solar system. You can find their calendar here.
How do I run my own megagames?
With a fair amount of hard work and a little seed money to get started. There are lots of resources to help you get started. A good first step is to sign up to our mentor program using this link. Or jump on the MGC discord and start asking questions, we’re a friendly bunch.
Will The Dukes of Highland run games in my city?
Maybe! Particularly if you’re within a 6 hour drive of Louisville. We have a several options which we’re currently in the process of formalizing so watch this space…