Interested in helping control?

We are occasionally in need of volunteers to help control our games. Control essentially acts like a cross between rules teachers, role play game masters, story tellers, helps set up and tear down the game and provides general support to all players. How the specific game works and to be a member of the control team will be taught by the lead game organizer.

In addition to helping put on an amazing game for over 40 people, you’ll also get a free t-shirt/uniform, food & drink, copy of the materials and will have a lot of fun in the process.

If this is something you’d be interested in, please fill out the contact form and we’ll will be in touch.

The who, what, where, when, why and how of being control

If you’re interested in what it takes to be a good control member, here’s a video I put together for the MGC. It’s part training video and part advert to encourage people to come help control at Gen Con 2024.